慈溪市华宝医疗用品工贸发展有限公司,创建于1996年,位于闻驰世界的“杭州湾跨海大桥”南年华东轻纺城工业园区。公司不断引进先进的生产设备。借鉴国内外同行的先进生产工艺技术和科学管理经验,是一家专业从事医用棉签、脱脂棉球等医疗卫生用品生产的现代化企业,已获中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证、医疗器械生产许可证。年生产棉签十多亿支,产品远销东南亚、欧美等地区,并赢得了国内外客户的一致好评,“华宝” 品牌在国内医疗及日用品行业中具有相当的知名度。
About US
Cixi Huabao Medical Supplies industrial & Trade development Co.. Ltd. was established in 1996 and located in East China Textile Industrial Park, which is on the southern bank of the world famous Hangzhou Bay Sea-crossing Bridge. With continuous production facilities upgrading and leaning of better processing technology and management, Huabao has grown to a modern enterprise specializes in the production of medical & health supplies like medical use swab, make-up use swab, cotton ball, etc. It has been registered by Medical Appliances Sectionof P. R. C and certified with Medical Appliance Production License. Huabao, as a well know medical supplies brand in China, has been widely accepted by domestic & oversea customers as over 1 bllin pieces of swab will be supplied to domestic, Southeast Asian, European, American market every year, and keeps growing.
Quality as basis, credit as belt, Cixi Huabao Medical Supplies industrial & Trade development Co.. Ltd. will never stop management optimizing, Technology improving, service upgrading and strive to offer the best using experience of our products!